Flood Diaries: Friday, March 28, 1913

Margaret Smell

“Friday our little party returned to the second story of the Curtis home where we remained until Saturday morning when we were rescued to warmth and safety by Mr. Guinn, and Oh! what a haven of rest. To stand on firm ground once more, to see the sweet grass growing, to enjoy the hospitality of friends, the warmth and comfort of a beautiful home, to seat ourselves at table spread with good warm food. Especially the hot fragrant coffee. How our hearts did turn to the giver of all good that he was pleased to deliver us from a watery grave and from the awful conflagration of the fire fiend. Oh! the terrible disaster that we have passed through. May it work in us and others likewise saved to a good purpose and bring us closer to God.”

[Charles A. Gwinn was the manager of State Loan & Realty Co., 302 Conover Bldg., where Margaret’s son-in-law Walter worked as a salesman.]


J. G. C. Schenck, Sr.

Mud on the Street (ms128_2-10-25)

The scene at JGC Schenck’s home on Ludlow might have looked much like this (ms128_2-10-25)

“AES Birthday, 23 yrs. Forgot it till 8 PM. Up at 5 AM—got pass to go up town from Col. Catro [sic] & worked my way into Town from Bumbarger [Bomberger] Park along 5th St. Finally got to Dayton View & located Mr. Hunter & family. Saw [illegible]—the Hales—etc.—got into my House—mud 4” deep—Everything in terrible condition.”


Bishop Milton Wright

“At Lorin’s there are Father and Mother Ainsworth, Harry Andrews & his family, Chas. Grumbaugh, his sister and wife, a colored woman who took diphtheria & Milton Came by buggy from Oxford. There was much trouble about diphtheria, Clare & three children. Dr. Spitler came. Andrews visited Dr.[?] Patterson.”

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