Year: 2024

DeStress for Success: Take a Break and Recharge!

Destress for Success Graphic

Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious? Do you need something to take your mind off your worries? We’ve got you covered with DeStress for Success!

This year, the Paul Laurence Dunbar Library is hosting DeStress for Success from Monday, December 2, 2024 – Thursday, December 12, 2024. Join us for a series of stress-relief activities designed to help you recharge and stay focused as finals approach.

What’s Happening?

Daily DeStress Stations: Find materials and instructions for relaxing activities in the Group Study Room and the 2nd floor atrium each day.


  • Zen Gardens & Puzzles – Group Study Room
  • Connect-the-Dots & Coloring Sheets – 2nd Floor Atrium
Monday, December 2
Playdoh – Group Study Room
Monday, December 9
Playdoh – Group Study Room
Tuesday, December 3
Watercolor – Group Study Room
Tuesday, December 10
Button Making – Group Study Room
Wednesday, December 4
Jewelry Making – Group Study Room
Wednesday, December 11
Jewelry Making – Group Study Room
Thursday, December 5
Button Making – Group Study Room
Thursday, December 12
Watercolor – Group Study Room

Live Events:

Scheduling Advising Table Session with Student Success Center

  • When? Monday, December 2, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Where? Dunbar Library: 2nd Floor Atrium

Movie Night with the University Activities Board

  • When? Tuesday, December 3, 2024, starting at 4:00 pm
  • Where? Dunbar Library: 4th Floor, Room 441

Study Skills Table Session with Student Success Center

  • When? Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Where? Dunbar Library: 2nd Floor

Meditation with Aubrey from Counseling and Wellness

  • When? Thursday, December 5, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Where? Dunbar Library: 2nd Floor, Green Swirl Couches
  • Come and Go as Needed

Vision Board with Disability and Neurodivergence Cultural Center

  • When? Friday, December 6, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Where? Dunbar Library, 1st Floor, Group Study Room

Tying Up Loose Ends Table Session with Student Success Center

  • When? Monday, December 9, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Where? Dunbar Library: 2nd Floor

DeStress Over Your Pre-Health Timeline with Student Success Center

  • When? Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Where? Dunbar Library: 4th Floor, Room 441

Need Extra Support?

Counseling and Wellness Services are here for you. If you need more than just a break, the Raider Cares Line is available 24/7 at 937-775-4567.

Whether you’re on campus, remote, or studying from afar, take time to de-stress and finish the semester strong. You’ve got this!

Libraries Honor the Fall Semester Library Student Assistant Award Recipients

Image of LSAA Recipients
Left to Right: Alanah Culbreath, Mikai Dixon, Alexis Bylczynski

The University Libraries held our biannual Library Student Assistant Award reception on November 8, 2024. Three students were selected for the Fall semester awards and received a $500 award for their excellent job performance in the University Libraries. Library Student Assistant Awards are funded by contributions to the Campus Scholarship Innovation Campaign from the University Libraries’ staff and other donors, and interest earned from the Friends of the Libraries endowment fund. To date, 442 awards have been distributed to 256 students totaling $207,150.

University Libraries staff and the Friends of the Libraries Board would like to congratulate this semester’s winners:

Alexis Bylczynski, a graduate student majoring in Humanities, began working for the Instruction and Research Services Department in the January of 2023. Alexis has a very warm and welcoming attitude toward everyone who approaches the Information Desk. She does a great job locating books in our catalog and the OhioLINK catalog as well as helping patrons find articles in our databases. Some of the recent transactions Alexis has logged include assisting a student who needed peer reviewed resources on the effects of lead exposure on children, a student who needed articles on sensitive topics, including human trafficking, and many citation questions from faculty and students. As a graduate student she is completing a demanding peer mentorship program and recently had the opportunity to lead a library tour for the group of students she is peer mentoring. Her work experience at the library provided her with the background she needed to give an overview of library services to the large group of nearly 60 students. Alexis is always there to lend a helping hand. Her dedication makes her an invaluable asset to both the library and the students she serves.   

Alanah Culbreath is a junior majoring in Fine Arts who has worked for the Instruction & Research Services Department since Fall semester 2022. Alanah has proven herself to be an invaluable asset to our team. She is dependable, creative, and exceptionally hardworking. Whether it is volunteering for extra projects, shelving the Ellison Die Cuts, or tackling hands-on tasks like making buttons, Alanah is always quick to lend a hand. Beyond her technical skills, Alanah’s eagerness to help others truly shines in her interactions with staff, students, and faculty. She is kind, approachable, and knowledgeable, making her the go-to resource for anyone in need of assistance. At the Information Desk, she consistently greets everyone with a warm and welcoming demeanor. She listens carefully, asks insightful follow-up questions, and offers solutions that meet the needs of our library users. Whether she’s refilling a printer, guiding a student through logging into WINGS or Pilot, or referring complex questions to the appropriate contact, Alanah handles every situation with professionalism and enthusiasm, always eager to learn more. She is a treasured member of our library team.

Mikai “Kai” Dixon, a senior majoring in African and African American Studies, began working for the Resource Delivery Services Department in February 2022. Kai is our most senior student worker and helps keep the department running when most other staff are gone. This semester Kai has been working late-night shifts until midnight and helping staff with the entire range of potential duties. It is incredibly valuable to have such an experienced student here to help when working here alone, as they can help with routine work but also assist in keeping an eye on the building and its patrons. Kai has been a tremendous help in training our new student workers this semester, including checking the new students’ shelving accuracy and leaving detailed and thoughtful notes about where they are in the learning process. Kai’s professionalism, attention to detail, and thoughtfulness toward fellow student workers has been a huge asset this semester. Kai is a dedicated, dependable student worker who enjoys helping the Resource and Delivery Services Department, the library, and fellow students achieve success. Kai is a reliable and valuable asset to the library.

Meet Brenna McNulty, Student Success Librarian

Image of Brenna McNulty
Brenna McNulty, Student Success Librarian

Join the University Libraries staff in welcoming our newest Student Success Librarian, Brenna McNulty. Brenna brings a variety of experience into her new role at Wright State. Her academic background includes an MLIS from Valdosta State University in Georgia and a Bachelor of Arts with French and Theatre foci from Mercer University. She has managed circulation and interlibrary loan activities at Mercer University Law Library and provided reference and research services for businesses and non-profit corporations at the Washington Memorial library in Macon, Ga.

Brenna will coordinate the Libraries’ contributions to the University’s English Composition program, develop and implement DeStress programming, create student relationships through the First Year Seminar, and help all students find successes in their curriculum and community.

Brenna’s second day she said, “I have some ideas, what if we …..”    Welcome, Brenna!

Celebrate National Friends of the Libraries Week, October 20 – 26, 2024

National FOL Week Banner

Since 2005, the American Library Association has promoted National Friends of the Libraries Week during the third week of October as a time to recognize the dedication of Friends groups across the nation.

The Wright State University Friends of the Libraries were established in 1978 and is a group of Wright State faculty, staff, retirees, alumni, and community members who are committed to supporting the unique needs of the Wright State University Libraries and its patrons.

A few of the ways they support the mission of the WSU Libraries to provide quality research services, materials, and library spaces for students, faculty, staff, and the Miami Valley community are:

  • The Friends support the library staff grants for research projects, new equipment and technology, staff development, and other special projects.
  • In collaboration with the Wright State University Retirees’ Association and the Wright State University Alumni Association they host a book club discussion on select evenings at 5:30 p.m. via WebEx.
  • In April they host an annual meeting and luncheon. The April 2024 annual luncheon featured keynote speaker, Vick Mickunas, author interviewer and WYSO Public Radio’s “The Book Nook” creator, who shared, Authors I Have Known.
  • Twice per year they award $500 scholarships to library student assistants in recognition of their outstanding job performance and contributions to the work of the Libraries.
  • Annually in April, the Friends of the Libraries honor the “Top Scholars” selected by the Dean’s Office in each college and the Lake Campus.
  • And more…

In celebration of National Friends of the Libraries Week, this week only the Friends are offering $10.00 off all membership levels – discount offer expires October 26. If you’re not already a member, or if you’ve been meaning to renew your membership, take advantage of this savings and join or renew today. We can’t think of a better way to celebrate National Friends of the Libraries Week than welcoming you to our membership!