In keeping with its history as the birthplace of aviation, each year, Dayton hosts a spectacular air show. The Dayton Air Show, first held in 1974, is recognized as one of the country’s premier aviation events. The Air Show takes place in mid-July each year at the Dayton International Airport. This celebration of Dayton’s aviation heritage is Dayton’s premier summer event, attracting tens of thousands each year. The Air Show displays both the old and the new in the world of aviation. For instance, crowds are treated to simulated dogfights of WWI biplanes and the fantastic flying feats of groups like the Navy’s Blue Angels and the Air Force’s Thunderbirds. The air show, sponsored recently by Vectren, the Dayton Daily News and Kroger, is a delight for both young and old.
And of course, the DDN has been there since the beginning to document the aeronautical thrills on display. The photos below catalogue the Air Show throughout the years, click on the thumbnail to enlarge them.