On August 2, 1862, the 61st OVI, which is part of the 1st Brigade, 2nd Division of the I Corps, is still located at Sperryville, Virginia. In his letter, Robert tells his father that they are waiting at Sperryville for an attack from Confederate General Ewell and his rumored to be 20,000 to 30,000 man army. A major part of the letter concerns a letter that appeared in the Cincinnati “Gazette” newspaper about the Union army “plundering every body of everything that they possessed and raising Cain generally.” Robert defends the army by explaining that forage parties are necessary because they have “little of nothing to eat.” Robert closes the letter by saying he is still unhappy with the situation in the 61st and very much would like to leave and join another regiment being formed in Ohio. (Transcript of Robert letter, August 2, 1862)
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