Flood Diaries & Letters: Tuesday, April 8, 1913

J. G. C. Schenck, Sr.

“AES was home all day. The 2 men worked till 10 a.m. & then started in to clean H. Stoddard’s home on first st. I got STH to drive AES & me to Globe laundry with some collars to be cleaned. Got ck for [??] from Mrs. [???] for Relief Assn. Joe Crane picked me up & took me to [loop?] at 6 PM. AES & I called on Cleggs till 9 PM.”


Bishop Milton Wright

“I walked to Broadway St., before breakfast. It is a bright day, a little cool. Ivonette is 17 years old to-day. The family go to Miami City. I aimed to go on Oakwood cars to 412 E. Sixth St., to see about Mrs. Stein, B.W. Mason’s daughter, but found no car. M.F. Keiter died, a Liberral preacher, at Bremen, Ind.”


Nellie Neukom to her daughter Lisetta in Michigan:

“April 8, 1913

“My dearest Lisetta—and those at home—For Lisetta will please forward this. Only one letter can I write today. We have written & sent telegrams and are not at all sure they reached their destination: My beloved ‘Nantucket’ basket is full of letters. I have not read them! Edward read some and, of course, all from all of you. But—I think he said there is a postal & letter from Evelene—and a letter or two from Lisetta. We hope by this time you know our house is unharmed & that we are all safe. I did not get to market nor did papa or Everett get to work that awful Tuesday a.m. & we are thankful we were all home together. As soon as I saw the water Tuesday I sent Percy for yeast. Made starter yeast to give to anyone who had flour & baked up about ½ [illegible] flour into bread. Beside ‘smore’ cooking. After our gas gave out Mrs. Schantz’s girl baked [bread?] & cooked any old place. We helped so many (until the bread wagons came) and heard such sorrowful stories that I forgot to eat or sleep—(a very silly thing to do)—and I went to smash—was in bed for a week—Edward did not go to business and was a good nurse & cook too—(You’ll see his stove in the yard in a photo)—The neighbors were all dear to me too—Came down stairs yesterday and am at the “Castor” desk now. ‘Percy’ has been a great help & I have told Everett that old black man must never want while he (Everett) lives. You can be sure I am most well when I tell you Edward is to go to Jamestown N.Y. today. ‘The Platt Co.’ said he should not go if I needed him & we know the Platt Co. need work badly. And if he lands the Jamestown job it will be a good thing. He got his pay cheque yesterday & will cash it & give me the money, at noon. We have all the money we need, and have had full & plenty in the house—(You know how I always buy wholesale.) The safety vaults in the banks were flooded. Our box is near the top & the water came within 1 inch of it. So no papers were wet. Our money in the Bld. & Loan is not as stockholders. I changed it after a bad ‘Bld. & Loan’ mix up in another one then the mess we are in. For, the other stockholders are responsible for losses. Am thankful I made the change (in Feb. 1913 I think) or we might have lost all we had safed saved. Am not quite sure how that will come out yet. But, know we took less interest so as to have no responsibility—

These might have been some of the little homes with mortgages that were washed away (ms128_2-6-3).

These might have been some of the little homes with mortgages that were washed away (ms128_2-6-3).

You see all those little homes where they had mortgages are washed away & there are no houses. 220 blocks flooded & no insurance except those city blocks that burned that terrible night. I can not think about or write yet. But later have many many interesting things to tell you. The ‘Schuermanns’ were here a week. Are now in a house on Oxford Ave. That woman was wonderful 2 nights 3 days—in 2d story surrounded by water & cared for two little children. He rushed home from Los Angeles—Had about 600 dollars given him by Calif. people. The DeVilles have rented Harriet’s beautiful house $50 per mo. The water came above their (DeVilles’) mantle pieces & They carried much stuff to the attic thinking it would flood the 2d floor. They are all well & were all together through it all. The furniture is all warped to pieces. Pianos full of mud! Mud a foot deep in all houses. Do not try to come to Dayton anybody For I want to be quite well when any visits are made. It makes me tired to talk or hear anybody talk. I think Tacy will understand how nervous I am better than anybody else. I love you all & will be perfectly well as soon as I sleep a lot. As usual mamma’s things helped—mamma’s wine—perculator [sic], afgan [sic], sweater. No one allowed on street after 6:30 p.m. Everett & Edward home every night & at work all day.

                                                                                                “Lovingly, Nellie”


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